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KensoBI runs in a Docker container.

Starting the container

docker run --name=kensobi -p 3000:3000 kensobi/kensobi

Navigate to http://localhost:3000. The default admin user is admin/admin.

Persistent storage

Local storage will be lost if your container is destroyed. To persist your data, create a new volume and mount it:

docker volume create kensobi-storage
docker run --name=kensobi -p 3000:3000 -v kensobi-storage:/var/lib/grafana kensobi/kensobi

If you have a license file, bind the path to your JWT license file:

docker run --name=kensobi -p 3000:3000 -v kensobi-storage:/var/lib/grafana -v /pathToLicense/license.jwt:/var/lib/grafana/license.jwt kensobi/kensobi

Installing community plugins

KensoBI supports Grafana community plugins. Go to, find the plugin you like, go to the installation tab and look for the plugin name. For example:

Copy the plugin name, in this case agenty-flowcharting-panel.

Start the container:

docker run --name=kensobi -p 3000:3000 -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=agenty-flowcharting-panel" kensobi/kensobi