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Calculation formulas

Welcome to the KensoBI datasource math formula documentation! This documentation contains comprehensive information about the available mathematical formulas and their SQL implementation.

Table of Contents

  1. Sample Mean Formula
  2. Average Range Formula
  3. Standard Deviation Formulas
  4. Mean of Means Formula
  5. Capability Indices Formulas
  6. Control Limits Calculation

Sample Mean Formula

The sample mean (Xˉ\bar{X}) is a measure of central tendency, representing the average value of a set of sample data.


The formula for the sample mean is given by:

Xˉ=i=1nXin\bar{X} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i}{n}


  • Xˉ\bar{X} is the sample mean,
  • nn is the number of data points in the sample,
  • XiX_i represents each individual data point.

In this formula, \sum represents the sum, and Xˉ\bar{X} denotes the mean.

SQL query:

'avg(measurementValue) as sampleAgg'

Average Range Formula

The average range (Rˉ\bar{R}) in statistical process control is calculated as the average of the individual ranges. The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a sample.


The formula for average range is given by:

Rˉ=R1+R2++Rkk\bar{R} = \frac{R_1 + R_2 + \ldots + R_k}{k}


  • Rˉ\bar{R} is the average range,
  • R1,R2,,RkR_1, R_2, \ldots, R_k are the individual ranges in each of the kk samples, and
  • kk is the number of samples.

This formula represents the central tendency of the range values and is commonly used in control chart calculations, such as in the context of an R-chart in statistical process control.

SQL query:

'max(sampleAgg)-min(sampleAgg) as range'

Standard Deviation Formulas

The standard deviation (σ\sigma) is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion in a set of values.

Population Standard Deviation Formula

The formula for the population standard deviation is given by:

σ=i=1N(Xiμ)2N\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N}(X_i - \mu)^2}{N}}


  • σ\sigma is the population standard deviation,
  • NN is the number of data points in the population,
  • XiX_i represents each individual data point,
  • μ\mu is the mean of the population.

Sample Standard Deviation Formula

The formula for the sample standard deviation is given by:

s=i=1n(XiXˉ)2n1s = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(X_i - \bar{X})^2}{n-1}}


  • ss is the sample standard deviation,
  • nn is the number of data points in the sample,
  • XiX_i represents each individual data point,
  • Xˉ\bar{X} is the mean of the sample.

In both formulas, \sqrt{} denotes the square root, \sum represents the sum, and Xˉ\bar{X} denotes the mean.

SQL query:

'stddev_pop(sampleAgg) as stdDev'

Sample Range Formula

The sample range (RR) is a measure of the spread or dispersion of a set of sample data.


The formula for the sample range is given by:

R=XmaxXminR = X_{\text{max}} - X_{\text{min}}


  • RR is the sample range,
  • XmaxX_{\text{max}} is the maximum value in the sample,
  • XminX_{\text{min}} is the minimum value in the sample.

In this formula, XmaxX_{\text{max}} represents the maximum value, and XminX_{\text{min}} represents the minimum value in the sample.

SQL query:

'max(sampleAgg)-min(sampleAgg) as range'

Mean of Means Formula

The mean of means (Xˉˉ\bar{\bar{X}}) is a measure that represents the average of sample means across multiple groups or samples.


The formula for the mean of means is given by:

Xˉˉ=i=1kXˉik\bar{\bar{X}} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{k} \bar{X}_i}{k}


  • Xˉˉ\bar{\bar{X}} is the mean of means,
  • kk is the number of groups or samples,
  • Xˉi\bar{X}_i represents the mean of the ithi^{th} group or sample.

In this formula, \sum represents the sum, and Xˉˉ\bar{\bar{X}} denotes the mean of means.

SQL formula:

'avg(sampleAgg) as mean'

Capability Indices Formulas

Capability indices are statistical measures used to assess the ability of a process to meet specifications.

Cp Formula

The Cp (Process Capability) index is calculated as:

Cp=USLLSL6×σCp = \frac{{\text{{USL}} - \text{{LSL}}}}{{6 \times \sigma}}

SQL query:

'(c.usl - c.lsl)/(6*stddev_pop(sampleAgg)) as cp'

Pp Formula

The Pp (Potential Process Capability) index is calculated as:

Pp=(nominal + USL)(nominal + LSL)6×σxPp = \frac{{\text{(nominal + USL)} - \text{(nominal + LSL)}}}{{6 \times \sigma_x}}

SQL query:

'((c.nominal + c.usl) - (c.nominal + c.lsl)) / (6 * stddev_pop(sampleAgg)) AS pp'

Cpk Formula

The Cpk (Process Capability Index) index is calculated as:

Cpk=min(USLxˉˉ3×σ,xˉˉLSL3×σ)Cpk = \min\left(\frac{\text{USL} - \bar{\bar{x}}}{{3 \times \sigma}}, \frac{\bar{\bar{x}} - \text{LSL}}{{3 \times \sigma}}\right)

SQL query:

'LEAST (((c.nominal + c.usl) - avg(sampleAgg))/(3*stddev_pop(sampleAgg)), (avg(sampleAgg) - (c.nominal + c.lsl))/(3*stddev_pop(sampleAgg))) as cpk'

Ppk Formula

The Ppk (Potential Process Capability Index) index is calculated as:

Ppk=min((nominal + USL)xˉˉ3×σx,xˉˉ(nominal + LSL)3×σx)Ppk = \min\left(\frac{\text{(nominal + USL)} - \bar{\bar{x}}}{{3 \times \sigma_x}}, \frac{\bar{\bar{x}} - \text{(nominal + LSL)}}{{3 \times \sigma_x}}\right)

SQL query:

'LEAST (((c.nominal + c.usl) - avg(sampleAgg))/(3 * stddev_pop(sampleAgg)), (avg(sampleAgg) - (c.nominal + c.lsl))/(3*stddev_pop(sampleAgg))) as ppk'

Control Limits Calculation

It's important to note that X-bar charts can have up to four control limits, depending on the type of chart and the desired analysis.

X-bar charts

The control limits for X-bar charts are calculated as follows:

UCLRbar=xˉ+A2RˉUCL_{Rbar} = \bar{x} + A_2\bar{R}

UCLSbar=xˉ+A3SˉUCL_{Sbar} = \bar{x} + A_3\bar{S}

SQL query:

'avg(sampleAgg) + ($a2_xbar_limit_range * (max(sampleAgg)-min(sampleAgg))) as ucl_rbar'

'avg(sampleAgg) + ($a3_xbar_limit_sigma * stddev_pop(sampleAgg)) as ucl_sbar'

LCLRbar=xˉA2RˉLCL_{Rbar} = \bar{x} - A_2\bar{R}

LCLSbar=xˉA3SˉLCL_{Sbar} = \bar{x} - A_3\bar{S}

SQL query:

'avg(sampleAgg) - ($a2_xbar_limit_range * (max(sampleAgg)-min(sampleAgg))) as lcl_rbar' 

'avg(sampleAgg) - ($a3_xbar_limit_sigma * stddev_pop(sampleAgg)) as lcl_sbar'

R-bar charts

For R-bar charts, the control limits are calculated as follows:

UCLR=D4RˉUCL_R = D_4\bar{R}

LCLR=D3RˉLCL_R = D_3\bar{R}

SQL query:

'$d4_range_ucl * (max(sampleAgg)-min(sampleAgg)) as ucl'

'$d3_range_lcl * (max(sampleAgg)-min(sampleAgg)) as lcl'

S-bar charts

For S-bar charts, the control limits are calculated as follows:

UCLS=B4SˉUCL_S = B_4\bar{S}

LCLS=B3SˉLCL_S = B_3\bar{S}

SQL query:

'$b4_sigma_ucl * stddev_pop(sampleAgg) as ucl'

'$b3_sigma_lcl * stddev_pop(sampleAgg) as lcl'


The values A2,A3,D3,D4,B3,B4A2, A3, D3, D4, B3, B4 are constants configured for calculations in the SPC panel. The values are also available as an SQL script.